Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Know...

People say I talk a lot...I know I do...

People say I am over friendly...I know I am...

People say I can mix with others easily...I know I can…

...People say I am happy because I can share everything…but,I know I cannot...

There’s a big heap inside me...a huge load in my heart with which I don’t know what to do...

I have so many things to tell, so many things to share...so many things to cry for...I have no one to do so...

I search in vain for that person, knocking from door to door...I come back empty handed, vacant and all the more lost...

There aren’t many who can read my eloquent silence...not many who can feel the wetness of my dried up tears...not many who can hear the silent heartbeats of a heart...broken and re-broken by life...

I try in vain to understand everyone…all their sorrows...their sadness touches me, they do...’coz I feel myself through them...

But I know, I am no help to anyone...Some wrong perception in life...that I can bring happiness in people’s lives...No...I cannot...’coz I am such a no one...

I feel very lonely today...So, I am friends with my sadness now...It was unwanted in the beginning...but since it stayed on, I have become good friends with it...My sadness is like me, very lonely...very pensive...we two make a great pair...we belong to each other...


Somebody said...

Again, unmatchable writing for the sheer literary celebration of it. "the wetness of my dried up tears" et al. I don't want to be insolent by offering unsolicited advice or be patronizing.

It's said, 'It's better to write down one's thoughts than bother someone else with it'. When you get time, u may watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlYJQ0psZYA

It has quite interesting thoughts and perhaps explains and even guides one where to head next in life!!

Unknown said...

wow. very eloquent style i would say. and the intention and motivation behind such writing can only come from living life very deeply. know that either way, happy or sad, as long as u live every moment with integrity to yourself, u will need no second person to validate your life and love. and when u do...likely you will find them too :)